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It was odd to see that fair dream city rising out of the lake, so far more beautiful in its fleeting beauty than the Chicago of the stock-yards and the Pit which had provided the money for its beauty. The millionaires did not interfere with the artists at all. They gave their thousands and stood aside. The result was one of the loveliest things conceivable.

If in some future super-refined state men should come to abstain from all animal food, perhaps the history of the Chicago stock-yards will be as appalling as is that of the Bight of Benin to-day, and that the name of Armour should be given to a great industrial school will seem as curious as to us it is inexplicable that the founder of Fanueil Hall should have dealt in human flesh.

The shipping of feeding hogs from one section of the country to another, and from public stock-yards, has always been productive of hog-cholera. Dr. In neighborhoods where outbreaks of hog-cholera occur necessary precautions against the spread of the disease are not taken.

We shall excel the English when we have as long practice as they. I am filled with a kind of dismay when I see the great stock-yards of Chicago and Cincinnati, through which flow the vast herds and droves of the prairies, marching straight down the throats of Eastern people. Thousands are always sowing and reaping and brewing and distilling, to slake the immortal thirst of the country.

The idea that comes to my mind has a rather vulgar " "Oh, pray do not hesitate, Katherine. You have not been speaking what I would call delicately." "Your charities are like waving a scented handkerchief over the stock-yards. Or like handing out after-dinner mints to a mob of starving men." "You're quite the wrong end there as is usual with you agitators," he replied comfortably.

W. H. Hormell is minister. It is in a stock-yards district, and the daily occupation of many of the members is unclean, of some revolting. But the church is a dynamo of spiritual forces. It supplies the experiences most opposite to those of the slaughter-house.