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'Amor volea schernir la primavera Sulla breve durata e passegiera Dei vaghi fiori suoi. Ma la belle stagione a lui rispose Forse i piacere tuoi Vita piu lunga avran delle mie rose." The prince, who, under Cyril Jackson, had acquired no trivial scholarship, now alluded to a singular poetic production, printed in 1618, which seemed distinctly to announce the French Revolution.

It turned the Countess to a tender mood, where she suffered herself to be played upon by the season L'ora del tempo e la dolce stagione. The spring whimpered in her blood. Prosper felt her sighing as she leaned on his arm, and made stress to amuse her, for sighs always seemed to him unhealthy.

Pride helps us; and pride is not a bad thing when it only urges us to hide our own hurts not to hurt others. "Piacer e popone Vuol la sua stagione." Italian Proverb. Mr.

In front of the ugly, bare little station I turned, and stretching out my hands I blessed the little city with all my heart, murmuring in my glowing, passionate mother tongue: "Benedetto sia 'l giorno e 'l mese e 'l anno E la stagione e 'l tempo e 'l ora e 'l punto E 'l bel paese e 'l loco ov' io fu giunto Da duo begli occhi, che legato m' hanno." "Dear Lucia, will you hear me a moment?

"Era la stagione nella quale la rivestita terra, più che tutto l' altro anno, si mostra bella," he said, without other salutation, throwing his soft gray hat on a heap of magazines and newspapers in the corner, and finding what perch he could for himself on the window-sill.