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She led me all round Kensington Gardens, and her only business was to air the baby and cram it with sponge-cakes." "Where is her husband?" "In the house. He hasn't stirred out since yesterday's visit to the Museum." "Who is looking after the place in your absence?" "One of my men has taken a room over the paper shop opposite. He has special charge of the Jap.

Have ready the other pint of cream, flavoured with a few drops of oil of lemon, and beaten with rods to a stiff froth. Heap it all over the pile of cake, so as entirely to cover it. Take a dozen of the square or oblong sponge-cakes that are commonly called Naples biscuits. They should be quite fresh.

That made all the children want to make things in clay, so we made cups and saucers, plates, and a baby's bottle, then scones and sponge-cakes, bread and a bread-board, and one of the children said we must put a B on that. Then Mrs. Loo said, "But we haven't any shelves." I had to leave my class in Miss Payne's charge, and they spent the rest of the time fitting in shelves, water-taps, and sinks.

"Let me see," he said; "you gave me in all two shillings and twopence. Well what did it all come to sponge-cakes so much, buns so much, biscuits," he went on murmuring to himself and touching his fingers to remind him "yes, it is very curious," he said, "it comes to just two shillings and three half-pence.

"There is a dessert," said Alice. She ran upstairs, and came down with her little black hand-bag, out of which she produced three apples and four sponge-cakes, meant for the railway journey. Amazing woman! Yet in resuming her seat she mistook Herbert's knee for her chair. Amazing woman! Intoxicating mixture of sweet confidingness and unfailing resource.

The luncheon looked very inviting and Betty offered a share most hospitably, and in spite of its only being a quarter before eleven when the feast began, the chicken sandwiches entirely disappeared. There were only four, and half a dozen small sponge-cakes which proved to be somewhat dry and unattractive. "I only laid in a light breakfast," apologized Betty's guest.

The sponge-cakes were both soft and dry and the biscuits were dry too, and yet soft, which biscuits ought not to be. But the ginger-beer made up for everything. 'It's my turn now to try to buy something with the money, Anthea said, 'I'm next eldest. Where is the pony-cart kept?