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The reversion to ancestor worship in spiritism seems more clear, and dinners at Kensal Green with five shillings tomb money, after the system of some low-caste Indian tribes, should be instituted by the spiritists.

Thus, if there is to be society in the next world, what can save it from the weariness of society in this, save it, in other words, from bores? The spiritists say that Theodore Parker gives lectures there to delighted audiences. And, truth to say, I do not know of any other social occupation that would be so satisfactory as that of teaching or learning.

If he had contracted with a dealer to supply him with hard coal during the winter, he might have a remedy if the dealer delivered only charcoal in the coldest weather; and so if he paid for a Roman Catholic journal which suddenly became an organ of the spiritists. The advertiser acquires no more rights in the newspaper than the subscriber.

Journey inland from Port Moresby Evening with a chief Savage life Tree houses Uakinumu Inland natives Native habits of eating Mountain scenery Upland natives Return to Uakinumu Drinking out of a bamboo Native conversation Keninumu Munikahila Native spiritists Habits and influence of these men Meroka Kerianumu Makapili The Laroki Falls Epakari Return to Port Moresby.

Does it necessarily follow that discarnate spirits gave her the information? Spiritists say 'yes, for this is the 'last ditch' of spiritism. "Psychologists declare that the telepathic explanation is as valid in the latter class of cases as it obviously is in the former.

If he had contracted with a dealer to supply him with hard coal during the winter, he might have a remedy if the dealer delivered only charcoal in the coldest weather; and so if he paid for a Roman Catholic journal which suddenly became an organ of the spiritists. The advertiser acquires no more rights in the newspaper than the subscriber.

But, though we discredit the sapient Second-Adventist as to the precise occasion of the diabolic avatar, has there not been a strange coincidence between his noisy declarations, and other evidences of an approximation of the spiritual to the bodily sphere of life? Is not this same quarter of a century that of the Spiritists? Has it not witnessed the development of Od? And of clairvoyance?

*319 Q. Do those who make use of spells and charms, or who believe in dreams, in mediums, spiritists, fortune tellers, and the like, sin against the First Commandment?

Moreover, the impartial student working over the records should at least recognize the pathetic importance which those, believing themselves to be in touch with their own dead, naturally attach to even the most trivial instances. This sense of really being in touch, itself entirely subjective, probably carries over ninety-nine out of every hundred who finally become spiritists.

A. Those who make use of spells and charms, or who believe in dreams, in mediums, spiritists, fortune tellers, and the like, sin against the First Commandment, because they attribute to creatures perfections which belong to God alone.