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And while peace and plen-ty I find at my board, With a heart free from sick-ness and sor-row, With my friends will I share what to-day may af-ford, And let them spread the ta-ble to-mor-row. To-mor row', to-mor "Do hold thy horning, Jan!" said Oak; and turning upon Poorgrass, " as for you, Joseph, who do your wicked deeds in such confoundedly holy ways, you are as drunk as you can stand."

"What would you do, when, home re-turn-ing, With hopes high burn-ing, With wealth for you, If my bark, that bound-ed o'er foreign foam, Should be lost near home, Ah, what would you do?" "So them wert spar-d, I'd bless the mor-row, In want and sor-row, That left me you; And I'd welcome thee from the wasting bil-low, My heart thy pil-low! THAT'S what I'd do!"

"You'll be sorry for treating me in this way," whined the Wheeler. "I'm a terribly fierce person." "As for that," answered Tiktok, "I am only a ma-chine, and can-not feel sor-row or joy, no mat-ter what hap-pens. But you are wrong to think your-self ter-ri-ble or fierce." "Why so?" asked the Wheeler. "Be-cause no one else thinks as you do. Your wheels make you help-less to in-jure an-y one.

loves me, e-ven me, loves me, e-ven me." sor-row o-ver there; sor-row o-ver there, sing-ing with the blest; sing-ing with the blest. Refrain. 1st Verse. "I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Je-sus loves e-ven me." Refrain. 2d Verse. "There'll be no more sor-row there, There'll be no more sor-row there; In heav-en a-bove, where all is love, There'll be no more sor-row there." Refrain. 3d Verse.

To-mor-row, to-mor-row! And while peace and plen-ty I find at my board, With a heart free from sick-ness and sor-row, With my friends will I share what to-day may af-ford, And let them spread the ta-ble to-mor-row. To-mor-row', to-mor