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"Trente-six canons," repeated the Frenchman, writing, "c'est bien alors, l'equipage." "How many men? I will be here at dark." "Two hundred and seventy men; but many away in prizes." "Deux cents soixante-dix hommes d'equipage; mais il y a beaucoup dans les batimens pris." Newton and the others were also interrogated, the names taken down, and the parties then quitted the prison.

Ce présent consistoit en soixante-dix grands plateaux d'etain chargés de différentes sortes de confitures et de compotes, et vingt-huit autres dont chacun portoit un mouton écorché. Les moutons étoient peints en blanc et en rouge, et tous avoient un anneau d'argent suspendu au nez et deux autres aux oreilles.

"However, we were quite equal to the preliminary task, and heartened by the news of the ammunition convoy which had been turned into a very pretty firework display by 'Soixante-dix Pau. My Zouaves as you see I belong to the First Division, which has a reputation to keep up n'est-ce pas? were in splendid form."

It was "Soixante-dix Pau," and I was glad to see that brave old man who had fought through the terrible year of 1870, and had been en retraite in Paris when, after forty-four years, France was again menaced by German armies.

"Trente-six canons," repeated the Frenchman, writing; "c'est bien alors, l'équipage." "How many men? I will be here at dark." "Two hundred and seventy men; but many away in prizes." "Deux cents soixante-dix hommes-d'équipage; mais il y a beaucoup dans les bâtimens pris." Newton and the others were also interrogated, the names taken down, and the parties then quitted the prison.