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A very magnetic host, with a great gift for bluffing, might, no doubt, even in Soho's worst moments, diffuse among his guests a conviction that all was of the best. But I never was good at bluffing. I had always to let food speak for itself. 'It's cheap' was the only paean that in Soho's bad moments ever occurred to me, and this of course I did not utter. And was it so cheap, after all?

Soho's departure left him opportunity to speak, he stood silent, unable to recollect anything but Grace Nugent. When Grace Nugent left the room, after some minutes' silence, and some effort, Lord Colambre said to his mother, 'Pray, madam, do you know anything of Sir Terence O'Fay? 'I! Said Lady Clonbrony, drawing up her head proudly; 'I know he is a person I cannot endure.

Soho's want of taste in ottomans, she was vexed to perceive that his lordship showed no desire to be introduced to her or to her daughters; but, on the contrary, was standing talking to Miss Nugent. His mother, at the end of her speech, looked round for "Colambre" called him twice before he heard introduced him to Lady Langdale, and to Lady Cat'rine, and Lady Anne , and to Mrs.

Soho's want of taste in ottomans, she was vexed to perceive that his lordship showed no desire to be introduced to her, or to her daughters; but, on the contrary, was standing talking to Miss Nugent. His mother, at the end of her speech, looked round for Colambre called him twice before he heard introduced him to Lady Langdale, and to Lady Cat'rine, and Lady Anne , and to Mrs.

Soho's departure left him opportunity to speak, he stood silent, unable to recollect any thing but Grace Nugent. When Miss Nugent left the room, after some minutes' silence, and some effort, Lord Colambre said to his mother, "Pray, madam, do you know any thing of Sir Terence O'Fay?" "I!" said Lady Clonbrony, drawing up her head proudly; "I know he is a person I cannot endure.

Vastly well! Vastly well! Soho's very clever in his way!" Others of great importance came in, full of some slight accident that had happened to themselves, or their horses, or their carriages; and, with privileged selfishness, engrossed the attention of all within their sphere of conversation.

The moment her son entered the room, her ladyship exclaimed, "Every thing pleasant at once! Here's your father tells me, Grace's velvet furniture's all packed: really Soho's the best man in the world of his kind, and the cleverest and so, after all, my dear Colambre, as I always hoped and prophesied, at last you will marry an heiress."

Vastly well! Vastly well! Soho's very clever in his way! Others of great importance came in, full of some slight accident that had happened to themselves, or their horses, or their carriages; and, with privileged selfishness, engrossed the attention of all within their sphere of conversation.

He made a point of never coming up to London without calling on me, when we would dine together in one of Soho's many dingy, garlic-scented restaurants, and afterwards, over our bottle of cheap Beaune, discuss the coming of our lives; and when he entered Guy's I left John Street, and took chambers close to his in Staple Inn. Those were pleasant days.

'Everything pleasant at once! Here's your father tells me, Grace's velvet furniture's all packed; really, Soho's the best man in the world of his kind, and the cleverest and so, after all, my dear Colambre, as I always hoped and prophesied, at last you will marry an heiress. 'And Terry, said Lord Clonbrony, 'will win his wager from Mordicai.