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We had no lack of playmates of both sexes, and with them we certainly talked and shouted no French, but sturdy Berlin German. In winter, too, we were permitted to enjoy ourselves out of doors, and few boys made handsomer snow-men than those our worthy Kurschner always with the order in his buttonhole helped us build in Thiergartenstrasse.

It was in this era that the younger Rexford children, up to Winifred, still lived; they built snow-men, half-expecting, when they finished them in the gloaming, that the thing of their creation would turn and pursue them; they learned to guide toboggans with a trailing toe, and half dreamed that their steeds were alive when they felt them bound and strain, so perfectly did they respond to the rider's will.

Often even, he has a pipe in his mouth a comical anachronism, suggestive to the smoker of the dark ages that knew no tobacco, before nicotine made the whole world of savage and of civilized kin. Legless dolls and snow-men are named after this foreigner, whose name is associated almost entirely with what is ludicrous.

In summer they ran to watch the fishing, they caught the many-colored insects, they gathered flowers, they gardened; in winter they made slides, they built snow-men or huts, or pelted each other with snowballs. Welcomed by all, they met with smiles wherever they went. When the time came to begin their education, disasters came, too.

The Snow-man felt wonderfully happy, and a feeling came over him which he could not express; but all those who are not snow-men know about it. 'Why did you leave her? asked the Snow-man. He had a feeling that such a being must be a lady. 'How could you leave such a place? 'I had to! said the yard-dog. 'They turned me out of doors, and chained me up here.

The big storm of the winter began on my eleventh birthday, the twentieth of January. When I went down to breakfast that morning, Jake and Otto came in white as snow-men, beating their hands and stamping their feet. They began to laugh boisterously when they saw me, calling: 'You've got a birthday present this time, Jim, and no mistake. They was a full-grown blizzard ordered for you.

We had no lack of playmates of both sexes, and with them we certainly talked and shouted no French, but sturdy Berlin German. In winter, too, we were permitted to enjoy ourselves out of doors, and few boys made handsomer snow-men than those our worthy Kurschner always with the order in his buttonhole helped us build in Thiergartenstrasse.