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We are told by the members of the silver-fork school, that no tale of fiction can be complete unless it embody the description of a dinner. Dinner! immortal faculty of eating! to what glorious sense or pre-eminent passion dost thou not contribute? Is not love half fed by thy attractions?

The force of the fall on the hand often breaks the wrist, by which is meant the fracture of the lower end of the radius, often known as the "silver-fork fracture." This accident is common in winter from a fall or slip on the ice.

In this point and in this only I confess myself a member of the Silver-Fork School; and if this tale but induce one of my readers to pause, to examine in his own mind solemnly, and ask, 'Do I or do I not eat peas with a knife? to see the ruin which may fall upon himself by continuing the practice, or his family by beholding the example, these lines will not have been written in vain.

She knew already her importance, and how all the world of England, how all the would-be-genteel people, how all the silver-fork worshippers, how all the tattle-mongers, how all the grocers' ladies, the tailors' ladies, the attorneys' and merchants' ladies, and the people living at Clapham and Brunswick Square, who have no more chance of consorting with a Snobky than my beloved reader has of dining with the Emperor of China yet watched the movements of the Snobkys with interest and were glad to know when they came to London and left it.

Few things can be more unsatisfactory and insipid than his attempts in the 'silver-fork school' of novel-writing his dreary commonplaces of fashionable life his faded sermonisings on domestic, and political, and social economy. Few things can be more inspiriting, more energetic, more impressive, than his pictures of

Twopence a volume bears us whithersoever we will; back to Ivanhoe and Coeur de Lion, or to Waverley and the Young Pretender, along with Walter Scott; up the heights of fashion with the charming enchanters of the silver-fork school; or, better still, to the snug inn-parlor, or the jovial tap-room, with Mr. Pickwick and his faithful Sancho Weller.