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I'd hate to tell you how unpopular popular music is with me." "Huh! You couldn't play on a side-comb, much less play on the piano like Charley does. If I didn't have no more brains than some people honest, I'd go out and kill a calf for some!" "You oughtta talk!

"I took one look at that memento, and then I went to my room and packed my trunk. I threw a few things into my grip, gave my hair a flirt or two with a side-comb, put on my hat, and went in and gave the old lady's foot a kick. I'd tried awfully hard to use proper and correct language while I was there for Arthur's sake, and I had the habit down pat, but it left me then.

I found, however, in a deserted rancho, this! and he held up a delicate comb of tortoise-shell." "My side-comb!" cried Rita. "I wondered where I had lost it. Go on, pray, Don Annunzio." "He questioned me again, this colonel, on whom may the saints send a lingering disease. I can swear that there is no young lady in the house? but assuredly, I can, and do swear it, with all earnestness.

I stepped into the entrance of a big, red-sandstone building, and standing between the show-windows, took off my hat, laid it on the pavement, and proceeded to unroll my hair and slick it up once more with the aid of the side-comb, of which I had now only one left, having lost the other somewhere in my flight from Henrietta's.

She had lost a gold-rimmed side-comb overboard, besides getting very wet when the boat turned suddenly and "took a wave." "I can row alone," insisted Laurel. "Cora and Hazel must manage the net." This time they did bring up some fish a whole drove of wiggling, frightened little minnies. "How do we get them out?" asked Bess, more frightened than the fish.