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I'd love to come down to the study summer-house and watch the blueness of the lake with you I love those scenes and memories more than any in the world. Good-bye for the present. Be brave. Yours, Con. SHORNCLIFF, August 19th, 1916. MY DEARS: It's not quite three weeks to-day since I came to England, and it seems ages.

Moore, to an Infantry regiment. That Infantry subaltern became Sir Thomas Moore the man who lost his life in saving the British Empire, and first taught the people of these islands and then, what is more important, the whole of Europe, that there was nothing invincible about the troops of Napoleon, when they were faced by British regiments properly trained, as Moore trained them at Shorncliff.

The Canadian General, the object of our quest, had just left for Shorncliff and would be back, perhaps, in two or three days. We hunted for the A.A. & Q.M.G. of the 2nd Canadian Division. After searching the register of three hotels we ran across an officer who said that the A.A. & Q.M.G. had also gone to Shorncliff. We had arrived too late to obtain assistance from this quarter.

I have met many who have returned from the Front, and what puzzles me in all of them is their unawed acceptance of death. I don't think I could ever accept it as natural; it's too discourteous in its interruption of many dreams and plans and loves. Yours with very much love, Con. SHORNCLIFF, August 30th, 1916.

Many years ago I visited Assisi, and, on leaving, the monks gave me four of these small bronze crosses, assuring me that those who wore them were securely defended in all peril by the efficacious prayers of St. Francis. Just before Coningsby left Shorncliff to go to France he wrote to us and asked if we couldn't send him something to hang round his neck for luck.

I hope you had no scare reports of our having been sunk such reports often get about when a big troop ship is on the way. I'm baggage master for my draft, and have to get on deck now. You'll have a long letter from me soon. Good-bye, Yours ever, Con. SHORNCLIFF, August 19th, 1916.