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"You're a nice one to 'act so as to deceive, you are," he said warmly. "I s'pose a khaki sleeve is likely to make the 'Uns believe we're French. Now, you watch me." He pulled back his tunic sleeve, held his shirtsleeved arm up the moment the next wave came, and motioned a reply. "He's in a hole o' some sort," said 'Enery. "Now I wonder who it is. A Frenchie by his tunic sleeve."

He passed through into a long, low room, with dark-brown grained walls, partitioned off in the usual manner; and taking a seat in a box facing the door, he ordered dinner from one of the shirtsleeved attendants.

Then he bent his head to hear what Miss Princess wanted to whisper to him, and they both laughed some more; and then he said something to the shirtsleeved men, and they laughed; and then O, it is a wonderful world!

I only learned that people in Boston dressed every day in the week in their best clothes; that was what made the deepest impression upon me; for our best clothes hung in the closet until Sunday. Uncle Lyman and I went barefooted and shirtsleeved all summer.

Well, Isaiah," turning to Mr. Chase, who, aproned and shirtsleeved as usual, had been standing grinning in the background, "haven't you anything to say to me?" Isaiah had something to say and he said it. "Glad to see you," he announced. "Feelin' pretty smart? Got a new hat, ain't you? Supper's ready." During the meal Mary was kept busy answering questions concerning school and her life at Mrs.