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"I meant to be with you. But since that's off I'm quite unemployed." She smiled interrogatively. "I thought perhaps you had an order. I met Mr. Shepson rubbing his hands on the landing." "Was he rubbing his hands? Well, it was not over me. He says that from the style of my pictures he doesn't suppose I want to sell." She looked at him superbly. "Well, do you?"

And so ven she saw dat bicture of yours at de Fake Show she made a note of your name, and de udder day she sent for me and she says: 'Mr. Shepson, I'm tired of Mungold all my friends are done by Mungold. I vant to break away and be orishinal I vant to be done by the bainter that did Gladys Glyde."

The name of the sculptor's patron had not been divulged. The order came through Shepson, who explained that an American customer living abroad, having seen a photograph of the group in one of the papers, had at once cabled home to secure it.

Millington's ball-room the picture had been seen and approved only by the distinguished few who had access to that social sanctuary; but on the walls of the exhibition it became a centre of comment and discussion. One of the immediate results of this publicity was a visit from Shepson, with two or three orders in his pocket, as he put it.

It was really, as Shepson said, as good as a Mungold; yet it could never be made to serve the same purpose, because it was the work of a man who knew it was bad art. That at least would have been Caspar Arran's contention poor Caspar, who produced as bad art in the service of the loftiest convictions! The distinction began to look like mere casuistry to Stanwell.

Shepson gave a dry laugh. "Vell, it doesn't sdrike me that you want to now doing this kind of thing, you know!" And he swept a comprehensive hand about the studio. "Ah," said Stanwell, who could not keep a note of flatness out of his laugh. "See here, Mr. Sdanwell, vot do you do it for? If you do it for yourself and the other fellows, vell and good only don't ask me round.