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Whether it be the Romería of Santiago de Compostelo, the Santa Semana in Toledo or Seville, Noche-Buena and the Day of the Nativity in Madrid or Barcelona, gaiety and enjoyment seem to be the order of the day.

DON PEDRO. Vaya, vaya, esos escrúpulos se quitan con señalar un día de esta semana para que se tomen los dichos. DON EDUARDO. ¡No lo que pasa por ! DON PEDRO. A la verdad que yo no me esperaba tampoco ... la niña, como le dije a usted, es muy dócil, eso es otra cosa, y muy bien criada, pero.... DON EDUARDO. Pero señor, por la Virgen Santísima, si ella apenas hace un cuarto de hora....

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of the Semana Santa have only this to distinguish them from ordinary days, that the churches are crowded with men and women waiting their turn at the confessional; and that in the afternoons the old promenade of Las Vigas, down in the Indian quarter by the canal of Chalco, is patronized by fashionable Mexico, which, except on some four or five special days, frequents the new Alameda.

It was a part of this tribe which displayed hostility to the Spaniards in the course of the first voyage of Columbus, and in a skirmish with them in the Gulf of Semana the first drop of native blood had been shed in the New World.