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Now the vessels are made straiter or closer several ways; sometimes by inflammation, scirrhous or other tumours; sometimes by compressions, scars, or by flesh or membranes that grow after a wound.

Morand speaks of an ovarian cyst from which, in ten months, 427 pounds of fluid were withdrawn. There are old records of tubal cysts weighing over 100 pounds. Normand speaks of an ovary degenerating into a scirrhous mass weighing 55 pounds. Among recent operations Briddon describes the removal of an ovarian cyst which weighed 152 pounds, death resulting.

In no long time after that paper was written I became sensible that the effort which remained would cost me far more energy than I had anticipated, and the necessity for making it was more apparent every month. In particular I became aware of an increasing callousness or defect of sensibility in the stomach, and this I imagined might imply a scirrhous state of that organ either formed or forming.

The signs by which this is known are, the stoppage of the terms, not conceiving, and condities abounding in the body which are all shown by particular signs, for if there is a wound, or the secundine be pulled out by force phlegm comes from the wound; if stoppage of the terms be from an old obstruction of humours, it is hard to be cured; if it be only from the disorderly use of astringents, it is more curable; if it be from a scirrhous, or other tumours that compress or close the vessel, the disease is incurable.

Although numerous abscesses have been formed in the lower part of it, and there has been considerable discharge, viscid or purulent, the upper part has remained as hard and almost as scirrhous as before.

Does your majesty suppose that the great powers will suffer the establishment of a republic here, under the protection of Austria? a republic upon the body politic of a continent of monarchies, which, like a scirrhous sore, will spread disease that must end in death to all?" "Of what republic do you speak?" "I speak of Poland," said Kaunitz, with his accustomed indifference.

If the alveoli are small and the intervening stroma is abundant and composed of dense fibrous tissue, the tumour is hard, and is known as a scirrhous cancer a form which is most frequently met with in the breast.

Wrong methods of operating, such as leaving the stump of the cord too long and insufficient drainage for the pus and wound secretions, are the factors that favor this complication. Scirrhous cords or fibrous tumors should be dissected out and removed before they have become large and begun breaking down.

Thus new vessels shoot over the cornea of inflamed eyes, and into scirrhous tumours, when they become inflamed; and hence all inflamed parts grow together by intermixture, and inosculation of the new and old vessels. The heat is occasioned from the increased secretions either of mucus, or of the fibres, which produce or elongate the vessels.

In particular I became aware of an increasing callousness or defect of sensibility in the stomach, and this I imagined might imply a scirrhous state of that organ, either formed or forming.