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I'm astonished at you, Mrs. Purr, and you an old woman as oughter know better. I doubt if you're Bart's granny. I've married into an ijit race. Don't talk to me, Mrs. Purr, if you please. Live clean an' work 'ard, and there's no trouble with them 'usbands. As 'as to love, honor and obey you." And she sniffed. "Them words you 'ave t' saiy," mumbled Mrs. Purr.

But when he went to report that fact he found the village of Seletskoe evacuated by his own forces, natives also having fled with everything of value from the samovar to the cow. A few hours later the old corporal appeared on the other bridgeless bank of the Emtsa across from the "K" men who were digging in and said in a puzzled way, "I saiy, old chap, wots the bloody gaime?"

True, the spoiled Marie pouted a bit, but Franklin, with a vile Cockney accent, said: "I saiy, wot's your 'urry? The negative hain't spoiled none. Hold 'Press the Button' hain't in his box." "Moving picture actors," exclaimed Judy. "What a sell!"

Th' ole cove come an' danced in the mud, and then he gits int' his shorp again. Trew is trew, saiy wot y' like, mister ho." Beecot turned his back on the boy. After all, he was not worth arguing with, and a liar by instinct. Still, in this case he might have spoken the truth. Norman might have appeared on the scene of the accident and have picked up the brooch.