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Having acquired wealth in this way by deceit and fraud like a vendor of meat, who that is wise boast of it? In what single combat didst thou vanquish Dhananjaya, or Nakula, or Sahadeva, although thou hast robbed them of their wealth? In what battle didst thou defeat Yudhishthira, or Bhima that foremost of strong men? In what battle was Indraprastha conquered by thee?

And he directed his men to summon Sahadeva. And when the latter came, the king addressed him, saying, 'To whom dost thou belong? And whence dost thou come? And what work dost thou seek? I have never seen thee before. O bull among men, tell me truly about thee.

There stand those two tigers among men, the twin Ashvinis, the two uterine brothers Nakula and Sahadeva, both invincible in battle. Yonder may be seen the five sons of Krishna, that have the features of Pancala princes. All of them, equal to Arjuna in battle, are standing, desirous of fight.

And unto Bhimasena's car are yoked coursers endued with the speed of the wind and the splendour of the seven Rishis. And steeds of sable bodies and backs variegated like the wings of the Tittri bird, all presented by his gratified brother Falguna, and superior to those of the heroic Falguna himself, cheerfully carry Sahadeva.

Meanwhile, Karna, O king, in that battle agitated many kings and many mighty car-warriors amongst the Panchalas headed by Dhrishtadyumna and Sikhandin and others. Then those warriors also, viz., Nakula and Sahadeva and the mighty car-warrior, Satyaki, having slain the Rakshasas, proceeded to that place where the Suta's son was.

And indicating evil his left eye contracted spasmodically. Hearing this, that mighty-armed king set out with Dhaumya, after having said unto Dhananjaya, 'Thou shouldst protect Draupadi. And he also directed Nakula and Sahadeva to protect the Brahmanas. And issuing from the hermitage that lord, Kunti's son, following the footprints of Bhimasena, began to search for him in that mighty forest.

In this matter the slightest blame cannot attach to Vibhatsu or to Pritha's son Vrikodara, or to Nakula or Sahadeva, or to Yudhishthira himself. I am not grieved at this.

Obtaining it, Sahadeva became delighted as the Lord of treasures upon obtaining Kailasa. Yuyutsu and Vidura and Sanjaya, O monarch, and Sudharman and Dhaumya, proceeded to the abodes they had owned before. Like a tiger entering his cave in the hills, that tiger among men, viz., Saurin, accompanied by Satyaki, entered the palace of Arjuna.

Sahadeva, then, heartless and afflicted with arrows, and pierced with the wordy darts of Karna, no longer cherished any love for life. That mighty car-warrior then quickly ascended the car of Janamejaya, the illustrious prince of the Panchalas."

"Yudhishthira said, 'How wilt thou, O Sahadeva, bear thyself before that king? And what, O child, is that which thou wilt do in order to live in disguise. "Sahadeva replied, 'I will become a keeper of the kine of Virata's king. I am skilled in milking kine and taking their history as well as in taming their fierceness. Passing under the name of Tantripal, I shall perform my duties deftly.