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'Well, yes, paid slip, turning round sharply; 'but may I ax who the dickens you are? an' what makes you so cut up about a pore woman's darter? It's right-on beautiful to see how kind gentlemen is nowadays': and she turned and tried, stumbling, to lead the way downstairs. As we left the room I turned round to look at it.

You're fond o' fishin' an' shootin', brother, an' though you're a Gorgio, you can't help bein' a Gorgio, and you ain't a mumply 'un, as I've said to Jim Burton many's the time; and if you can't give the left-hand body-blow like me, there ain't a-many Gorgios nor yit a-many Romanies as knows better nor you what their fistes wur made for, an' altogether, brother, Beng te tassa mandi if I shouldn't be right-on proud to see ye jine our breed.

"I don't say nothing agen the Marquis, sir," said Rake doggedly; "he's a right-on generous gentleman, but he aren't you. Let me go with you, if it's just to rub the King down. Lord, sir! you don't know what straits I've lived in what a lot of things I can turn my hand to what a one I am to fit myself into any rat-hole, and make it spicy.

Her feet made no sound, and only her hurried breathing broke the silence. Through the open door to the sitting-room, and down the wall to the right-on and on she crept. Here and there a familiar chair or stand met her groping hands and held them hesitatingly for a moment, only to release them to the terror of an unfamiliar corner or window-sill.