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Robertson cannot produce better Authority for any Facts, equal in Antiquity; I am sure none, for Ossian and Fingal. The Manner in which Dr. Robertson mentions the Verses published, by Hakluyt and others, is rather observable. "Later Antiquarians, indeed, appealed to the Testimony of Meredith ab Rhees, a Welsh Bard, who died in 1477; but he cannot be considered of much more credit than Powel."

At the same time she lived in daily terror of a discovery which was soon to follow. She had gone out one day to pay a call on some one to whom Rhees Grier, the Chicago sculptor, had given her an introduction.

They had met at the Rhees Griers'. Feeling herself neglected after Lynde's departure, and dreading loneliness above all things, Aileen became intimate with Skeet, but to no intense mental satisfaction. That driving standard within that obsessing ideal which requires that all things be measured by it was still dominant. Who has not experienced the chilling memory of the better thing?

When she next saw him, which was several weeks later at an affair of the Courtney Tabors, friends of Lord's, he exclaimed: "Oh yes. By George! You're the Mrs. Cowperwood I met several weeks ago at Rhees Grier's studio. I've not forgotten you. I've seen you in my eye all over Chicago. Taylor Lord introduced me to you. Say, but you're a beautiful woman!"

I inquired as to the possibility of my borrowing the first volume, and was told that this could be done only by special authority of Professor Henry. I soon got the necessary authority through Mr. Rhees, the chief clerk, whose kindness in the matter deeply impressed me, signed a promise to return it within one month, and carried it in triumph to my little schoolhouse.