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Two alcaldes were appointed, and eight regidores, among which last functionaries were his brothers Gonzalo and Juan.

The Council, Justice, and Regidores, Knights, Esquires, Artificers and Good Men of the City of Burgos, have made a memorial to us the King, showing, that we well know the fame, nobleness, and exploits of the Cid, which are notorious to all, from whose valour there redoundeth honour to all Spain, and especially to that city whereof he was a native, and where he had his origin and birth place; and that one of the principal things which they who pass through that city, both natives of these kingdoms, and strangers also, desire to see, is his tomb and the place wherein he and his ancestors are interred, for his greatness and the antiquity thereof; and that it is now some thirty or forty days since ye, not having respect to this, neither bearing in mind that the Cid is our progenitor, nor the possessions which he left to your house, nor the authority that it is to the said Monastery that he should there have been interred, have removed and taken away his tomb from the middle of the great Chapel, where it had stood for more than four hundred years, and placed it near a staircase, in a place unseemly, and unlike that where it was placed heretofore, both in authority and honour.

Everything political or ecclesiastical, from highest to lowest, was matter of merchandize. It was the autocrat, governing king and kingdom, who disposed of episcopal mitres, cardinals' hats, commanders' crosses, the offices of regidores or municipal magistrates in all the cities, farmings of revenues, collectorships of taxes, at prices fixed by himself.

Some of these were alcaldes and regidores from the neighbouring villages, others landed proprietors in the vicinity.

They then proceeded to choose alcaldes and regidores, being the titles of the chief magistrates in the towns of Old Spain, and Balboa and Zamadio were elected alcaldes, and Yaldibia regidore. The people, however, were dissatisfied with this mode of governing, repenting that they had deposed Enciso, and the whole colony divided into parties.

Everything political or ecclesiastical, from highest to lowest, was matter of merchandize. It was the autocrat, governing king and kingdom, who disposed of episcopal mitres, cardinals' hats, commanders' crosses, the offices of regidores or municipal magistrates in all the cities, farmings of revenues, collectorships of taxes, at prices fixed by himself.

Everything political or ecclesiastical, from highest to lowest, was matter of merchandize. It was the autocrat, governing king and kingdom, who disposed of episcopal mitres, cardinals' hats, commanders' crosses, the offices of regidores or municipal magistrates in all the cities, farmings of revenues, collectorships of taxes, at prices fixed by himself.

The which that city, as well because it toucheth us as for her honour, doth greatly resent; and albeit that as soon as it was known the Corregidor and three of the Regidores thereof went there to prevail with ye that ye should restore the said bodies to the place where they were wont to be, ye would not be persuaded; whereof the said city holdeth itself greatly aggrieved: and moreover it is a thing of bad example for Monasteries and Religioners, who, seeing how lightly the tomb of so famous a person hath been removed, may venture to remove and change any monuments and memorials, whereby great evil would accrue to our kingdoms.

The first of these pueblos is governed by its corresponding body of magistrates, composed of an alcalde or judge, four regidores or municipal officers, a syndic, and secretary; the second, of an alcalde, two regidores, a syndic, and secretary; and the third, on account of the smallness of its population, is subject to the commandancia of Monterey.

Everything political or ecclesiastical, from highest to lowest, was matter of merchandize. It was the autocrat, governing king and kingdom, who disposed of episcopal mitres, cardinals' hats, commanders' crosses, the offices of regidores or municipal magistrates in all the cities, farmings of revenues, collectorships of taxes, at prices fixed by himself.