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Wernicke, unhampered by classifications of catatonia and manic-depressive insanity with inelastic boundaries, calls all stupor reactions akinetic psychoses with varying prognosis. He does not make Kraepelin’s mistake of confusing the apathy of stupor with the retardation of depression, stating distinctly that the processes are different. Bleuler also has grasped this discrimination.

Atypical features in stupor have to do mainly with interruptions, interludes as it were, of elation, anxiety or perplexity. These are explicable as awakenings from the nothingness of stupor into imaginations such as characterize the other manic-depressive psychoses.

Is it not plain that an understanding of the genesis and meaning of tics opens the gateway to the elucidation of the origin and significance of the psychoneuroses and functional psychoses of reaction types of various kinds? It is a rare and pleasant experience to meet a book on such a general topic as delinquency, which has not as its raison d'etre the exploitation of some over-worked hypothesis.

In the case of stupors the situation is fairly simple, in that the ideational content is extremely limited. As has been seen, it is confined to death and rebirth fancies, other ideas being correlated with secondary symptoms, such as belong to mechanisms of other manic-depressive psychoses.

This looks like a combination of two psychotic tendencies, the stupor reduction process which inhibits emotional response and the tendency to develop abnormal affects which characterize other manic-depressive psychoses. There is no general psychological law which makes this view unlikely.

You'll be mixing in socialism next! You're as bad as Carrie, with your 'psychoses. Why, Good Lord, Maud, I could talk about neuroses and psychoses and inhibitions and repressions and complexes just as well as any damn specialist, if I got paid for it, if I was in the city and had the nerve to charge the fees that those fellows do.

The gratification does not take place, and the want continues. In order to equalize the internal with the external sum of energy, the former must be continually maintained, just as actually happens in the hallucinatory psychoses and in the deliriums of hunger which exhaust their psychic capacity in clinging to the object desired.

Comparative and animal psychology and the study of the reactions of children, of primitive races, and of the mentally disordered give us a splendid opportunity for studying it and unravelling the meaning of the many somatic and psychic manifestations which are exhibited to us in the psychoneuroses and psychoses and in tracing out the racial history of man.

The father dies but takes on a spiritual existence and comes to life again, a frequent method in psychoses for legitimizing the idea of union with the parent by elimination of the grossly physical. There were strikingly few allusions to the plainly sexual. She spoke of being married to the doctor, and even went so far as to say that they belonged together in bed.

It is our view that the manic-depressive psychoses may be, and probably are, determined remotely but fundamentally by an inherent neuropsychic defect, but this physical and constitutional blemish is non-specific. The actual psychosis is determined by functional, that is, psychological factors. A predisposed individual exposed to a certain psychic stress develops a manic-depressive psychosis.