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Quickly the word passed from mouth to mouth, and as Barney Custer, of Beatrice, passed along Margaretha Street he was followed by a mad din of cheering that drowned the booming of the distant cannon and the bursting of the shells above the city. The balance of the day the pseudo-king rode back and forth along his lines.

At the sound of his voice they tore aside the draperies; at the same instant the pseudo-king turned and leaped out into the blackness of the night. There were exclamations of surprise and rage from the soldiers a woman's scream. Then from far below came a dull splash as the body of Bernard Custer struck the surface of the moat.

"We shall be with the major's squadron, and when you see us emerging from the grove, you will know that we have taken Peter's guns and that everything is over except the shouting." "You are not going to accompany the charge!" cried the old prince. "We are going to lead it," and the pseudo-king of Lutha wheeled his mount as though to indicate that the time for talking was past.

"At the gate you may instruct one of your sergeants to telephone to Prince von der Tann that the king is returning and will grant him audience immediately. You and your detachment will will act as our escort." Butzow saluted and turned to his troopers, giving the necessary commands that brought them about in the wake of the pseudo-king.

The wrath, gathering in a purple cloud on Sutphen's brow, now broke into a storm. "He must have known," he said pointing at the pseudo-king. "He appointed you officer of the day," and the outraged Colonel wheeled about on Josef, who scarcely deigned a smile of commiseration for such ignorance. "He knew nothing," he finally volunteered.

In July 1784 he executed a deed, with all the necessary forms, legitimating this person, and bestowing upon her the title of Albany, by which he had himself been known for fourteen years, with the rank of duchess. To legitimate his natural daughter, and give her the reversion of his own title, was very unlike the action of a pseudo-king who had a lawful son alive.