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Wragge, General Wragge, Major Hardwicke, Captain Anstruther, and the now full-fledged Benedict, Eric Murray, gave some pithy parting counsels to Jack Blunt, "Gentleman Jack," of the London Swell Mob. "Only a mere fluke, and, our desire to save a family needless pain, protects you," said Hardwicke. "These five hundred pounds will enable you to reach America.

They are but the natural guards with which great Nature, working in the instinct of the philosophic genius, protects her choicest growth, the husk of that grain which must have times, and a time to grow in, the bark which the sap must stop to build, ere its delicate works within are safe.

The whole saddle is covered with a large and thick sheet of sole-leather, having a hole to lay over the pommel; it extends back over the horse's hips, and protects them from rain, and when taken off in camp it furnishes a good security against dampness when placed under the traveler's bed.

"The 'Child of God, shall it be?" she murmured, "the 'Child of God." And, tall and masculine-looking, with her bony nose and her shoulders as square as a grenadier's she began: "The lost child left by its mother alone Is sure of a home in Heaven above, God sees and protects it on earth from His throne, The child that is lost is the child of God's love."

When he is on active service, you will detect somewhere among his trappings the brown leather case of a serviceable army revolver. The reason of this outfit is a very simple one. The kaváss is answerable with his head for those he protects, neither more nor less.

An institution of great protective use, in practice, is the safe-conduct, or anaya, a token given to a guest, traveler or prescript, and which protects the bearer as far as the acquaintance of the giver extends: it may be a gun, a stick, a bornouse or a letter. The anaya is the sultan of the Kabyles, doing charity and raising no taxes "the finest sultan in the world," says the native proverb.

"The more strenuously she has been educated, and the more completely she has been subjected to the demands of civilization, the more she fears this way of escape, and in the conflict between her desires and her sense of duty, she also seeks refuge in neurosis. Nothing protects her virtue so surely as disease."

Finally, within the spaces of the arachnoid is a lymph-like liquid which completely envelops the brain and the cord, and which, by serving as a watery cushion, protects them from jars and shocks. Thus the brain and cord are directly shielded by bones, by membranes, and by the liquid which surrounds them.

The winged figure wearing the horned cap, which is so constantly represented as attending upon the monarch when he is employed in any sacred function, would seem to be his tutelary genius a benignant spirit who watches over him, and protects him from the spirits of darkness. Why the pine-cone was chosen for this purpose it is difficult to form a conjecture.

Indeed, if we knew all that our bodies know, what mysteries would be revealed to us! Life goes up-stream goes against the tendency to a static equilibrium in matter; decay and death go down. What is it in the body that struggles against poisons and seeks to neutralize their effects? What is it that protects the body against a second attack of certain diseases, making it immune?