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Greater loss than this seek not to find! "His son is dead." What has happened? "His son is dead." Nothing more? "Nothing." "His ship is lost." "He has been haled to prision." What has happened? "He has been haled to prision." But that any of these things are misfortunes to him, is an addition which every one makes of his own. Why? For having given thee endurance and greatness of soul?

"A will such as it ought to be, and a right use of the things of sense." "And what is the end?" "To follow Thee!" "That Socrates should ever have been so treated by the Athenians!" Slave! why say "Socrates"? Speak of the thing as it is: That ever then the poor body of Socrates should have been dragged away and haled by main force to prision!

Y cuando se lo dijo, estaban los dos solos paseándose en el monasterio desta ciudad. Y en lo que dice que ha un mes que se lo dijo, no está bien cierto, sino que de tres meses á esta parte se lo oyó decir, y esta es la verdad, y que no hubo ocasion mas que estar hablando de su prision.

Do this, do not do that, else will I cast thee into prision; this is not governing men like reasonable creatures. Say rather, As God hath ordained, so do; else thou wilt suffer chastisement and loss. Askest thou what loss? None other than this: To have left undone what thou shouldst have done: to have lost the faithfulness, the reverence, the modesty that is in thee!

Is any discontented with his children? let him be a bad father. "Throw him into prision!" What prision? Where he is already: for he is there against his will; and wherever a man is against his will, that to him is a prision. Thus Socrates was not in prision, since he was there with his own consent.