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"Lady Blore and Miss Bellairs are in the drawing-room." "Just pull the blinds half-way down before you go," said Colonel Bellairs to Magdalen, "and remember other people have got letters to write as well as her, and I'm not to be disturbed on any account." On garde longtemps son premier amant quand on n'en prend point de second. The two aunts meanwhile were sitting waiting in the drawing-room.

Il attend assez longtemps, reflechissant tout seul, et figurez-vous qu'il prend Daniel, lui ouvre la bouche de force at avec une cuiller a the l'emplit de menu plomb de chasse, mail l'emplit jusqu'au menton, puis il le pose par terre. Smiley pendant ce temps etait a barboter dans une mare.

Let Herr Stahr put all Lessing's "inimitably roguish words" together, and compare them with these few intranslatable lines from Voltaire's letter to Rousseau, thanking him for his Discours sur l'Inegalite: "On n'a jamais employe tant d'esprit a vouloir nous rendre betes; il prend enviede marcher a quatre pattes quand on lit votre ouvrage."

A slave passed him a guitar; he touched the strings and sang with good taste a song in questionable taste: "Jeanneton prend sa fauçille." A delicate melody and neatly done; yet the verse "Le deuxième plus habile L'embrassant sous le menton" made me redden, and the envoi nigh burned me alive with blushes, yet was rapturously applauded, and the patroon fell a-choking with his gross laughter.