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The apprentice was represented by his master to be a praedial the master testified on oath that he was registered as a praedial; but in the course of the examination it was proved that he had always been a mason; that he had labored at that trade from his boyhood, and that he knew 'nothing about the hoe, having never worked an hour in the field.

Praedial slavery completely abolished; heritable jurisdictions at an end; the face of the country entirely changed; its agriculture acknowledged to be the first in the world; its mines and fisheries productive in the highest degree; its banking a model of efficiency and public usefulness; its roads equal to the best roads in England or in Europe.

Now, in any country where such degradation of females could be tolerated by the state of manners, a woman of delicacy would shrink from acknowledging, either for herself or her friend, that she had ever been addicted to any mode of labour not strictly domestic; because, if once owning herself a praedial servant, she would be sensible that this confession extended by probability in the hearer's thoughts to the having incurred indignities of this horrible kind.

He should propose a praedial rather than a personal service for the West Indies, and institutions, by which the slaves there should be instructed in religious duties. He concluded by reading several resolutions, which he would leave to the future consideration of the House. Mr. Pitt then rose. He deprecated the resolutions altogether. He denied also the inferences which Mr.

'A correspondent of the Naval and Military Gazette was under an apprehension that the mutineers would be joined by the praedial apprentices of the circumjacent estates: not the slightest foundation existed for this apprehension. Some months previous to this Daaga had planned a mutiny, but this was interrupted by sending a part of the Paupau and Yarraba recruits to St. Lucia.

The defendant was ordered to prison to be tried the next day, time being given to make further inquiries about his being a praedial. V. The next case was a complaint against an apprentice, for leaving his place in the boiling house without asking permission.

He should propose a praedial rather than a personal service for the West Indies, and institutions, by which the slaves there should be instructed in religious duties. He concluded by reading several resolutions, which he would leave to the future consideration of the House. Mr. Pitt then rose. He deprecated the resolutions altogether. He denied also the inferences, which Mr.

In connection with the conduct of the non-praedials, he mentioned the following instance of white brutality and negro magnanimity. A planter, whose negroes he was classifying, brought forward a woman whom he claimed as a praedial.

Our interviews with this class of men were frequent during our stay in the island. We found them uniformly ready to communicate information, and free to express their sentiments. In Barbadoes there are seven special magistrates, presiding over as many districts, marked A, B, C, &c., which include the whole of the apprentice population, praedial and non-praedial.

Indeed, it was not until the very last year of the last century that praedial slavery was abolished in Scotland only three short reigns ago, almost within the memory of men still living.* The greatest resistance was offered to the introduction of improvements in agriculture, though it was only at rare intervals that these were attempted. There was no class possessed of enterprise or wealth.