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Given such conformation in an excitable horse, and curb is usually produced before the subject is old enough for service. It is certain that in cases where conformation is bad, greater strain is put upon the plantar ligament. In animals having curby hocks, sprain is likely to result and curb supervenes. Symptomatology.

"I seem to have noticed that peculiar, splay-footed gait in stationmasters, now that you mention it." "Quite so. The arch of the foot has given way; the plantar ligaments have become stretched and the deep calf muscles weakened.

Median neurectomy is of service in many instances where lameness is not completely relieved by the use of the actual cautery and no bad results attend the performance of this operation even though no benefit is derived thereby. Plantar neurectomy is contraindicated in all cases where there exists much lameness.

We know this because of the arrangement of its deep plantar tendons, because its palate is desmognathous instead of ægithognathous, because but I think I will not proceed further with these reasons; if I do, this article will resemble a letter written by the conscientious undergraduate who used to copy into each of his epistles to his mother, a page of A Complete Guide to the Town of Cambridge.

Exposure of the plantar nerves by an incision behind the medial malleolus, and subjecting them to forcible stretching, has been employed by Chipault and others in the treatment of perforating ulcers of the foot.

If the practitioner is somewhat proficient as a surgeon, and has at his command facilities for doing surgery, the second method is preferable in many cases. By using a local anesthetic on the plantar nerves and confining the subject on an operating table, restraint should be perfect.

The insensitive foot or hoof is divided into wall, sole, frog and bars. The sensitive foot is divided into vascular tissue and elastic apparatus. The vascular tissue is in turn divided into coronary cushion, laminae and velvety tissue. The elastic apparatus is divided into plantar cushion and fibro-cartilages. The bony core is formed by the navicular and third digital bones.

The lateral cartilages are attached to the posterior angles of the pedal bone. They are flattened from side to side, and the portion that projects above the coronary cushion may be felt by pressing on the skin that covers it. The plantar cushion is a wedge-shaped piece of tissue formed by interlacing connective-tissue fibres and fat. It is limited on each side by the lateral cartilages.

The alteration in the shape of the foot is brought about by pressure on the pad, which widens and in consequence presses on the bars. The pressure received by the pad is also transmitted to the plantar cushion, which likewise flattens and spreads under pressure. Both of these factors force the cartilages slightly outwards.

Plantar. p. 490. Swedish Acts for the year 1762. Pulteney's View of Linneus, p. 220.