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Placido, who had stood by and heard all of this brief interview, felt his hair rise and stared with startled eyes at Simoun, who smiled. "You're surprised," he said with his icy smile, "that this Indian, so poorly dressed, speaks Spanish well?

And when those who are so much the arbiters of literary merit, as in a considerable degree to influence the publick opinion, review an authour's work, placido lumine , when I am afraid mankind in general are better pleased with severity, he may surely express a grateful sense of their civility . Various Readings in the Life of LYTTELTON.

The disastrous result of the last rising of the slaves in Cuba is well known. Betrayed, and driven into premature collision with their oppressors, the insurrectionists were speedily crushed into subjection. Placido was arrested, and after a long hearing was condemned to be executed, and consigned to the Chapel of the Condemned.

The disastrous result of the last rising of the slaves in Cuba is well known. Betrayed, and driven into premature collision with their oppressors, the insurrectionists were speedily crushed into subjection. Placido was arrested, and after a long hearing was condemned to be executed, and consigned to the Chapel of the Condemned.

I have been greatly interested in the fate of Juan Placido, the black revolutionist of Cuba, who was executed in Havana, as the alleged instigator and leader of an attempted revolt on the part of the slaves in that city and its neighborhood. Juan Placido was born a slave on the estate of Don Terribio de Castro. His father was an African, his mother a mulatto.

"But, Padre," exclaimed Placido, restraining himself, "if your Reverence puts a mark against me for failing in the lesson, your Reverence owes it to me to erase the one for absence that you have put against me for today." His Reverence made no answer.

True, the usual preachment was never lacking the same as ever, about humility, submission, and respect to the clerics, and he, Placido, was humble, submissive, and respectful.

At the answer the admiral would plump himself down with a great rattling of scabbard to await the infrequent tick of the little instrument on the table. "They will come," would be his unshaken reply; "I am the admiral." At the head of the insurgent party appeared that Hector and learned Theban of the southern republics, Don Sabas Placido.

He has not fallen in vain. His genius and his heroic death will doubtless be regarded by his race as precious legacies. To the great names of L'Ouverture and Petion the colored man can now add that of Juan Placido. Charles T. Torrey, an able young Congregational clergyman, died May 9, 1846, in the state's prison of Maryland, for the offence of aiding slaves to escape from bondage.