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Her walk, her carriage, resemble nothing I ever have seen before. I can well imagine that when she appears in the streets of Paris people turn to look after her, but no one would have the audacity to follow her. How old is she? Twenty-four or twenty-five years, I should say. Why is she not married? Who is this withered, pinched-looking fright of a personage who trots at her side like a poodle-dog?

"The tears all times are my repast, Which from mine eyes do slide; Whilst wicked men cry out so fast, `Where now is God thy Guide? Alas! what grief is it to think The freedom once I had! Therefore my soul, as at pit's brink, Most heavy is and sad." Peaked: Very thin and pinched-looking. Come up. An exclamation of surprise, then often used.

Miss Cottle's gloves were always expensive, and always dirty, and her elaborate silk petticoats were of soiled pale pinks and blues. Miss Cottle's neighbor was Miss Sherman, a freckled, red-headed, pale little girl, always shabby and pinched-looking, eager, silent, and hard-working.

"I have not the slightest idea it has puzzled me, too," and Moravia's voice was perplexed. "Ever since the ball at your sister's she has been changed in some way. Had you any quarrel or jar, or difference of opinion? Don't think I am asking from curiosity I am really concerned." Henry's distinguished face grew pinched-looking; it cut like a knife to have his vague unadmitted fears put into words.

And they knew us quite well, which shows how little use walnut-juice is, and it is disgusting to get off. I think, as it happened, it was very unfortunate that we had discoloured our faces; for though my mother was horrified at our being so thin and pinched-looking, my father said that of course we looked frights with brown daubs all over our cheeks and necks.