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One of the Papuans, who had been on board a whaler for some months and could speak a little English, confirmed this. Jack accordingly, without hesitation, undertook to carry the men to their native land. Their names, they informed Pat Casey, who took to them at once and managed by some means or other to understand what they said, were Nicho and Picho, and forthwith they were dubbed Nick and Pipes.

The Makololo expressed great satisfaction with the route we had opened up to the west, and soon after our arrival a "picho" was called, in order to discuss the question of removal to the Barotse valley, so that they might be nearer the market. Some of the older men objected to abandoning the line of defense afforded by the rivers Chobe and Zambesi against their southern enemies the Matebele.

Her good sense appeared in other respects besides, and, as this was exactly what my own party had previously resolved to suggest, we were pleased to hear Mpololo agree to do what he was advised. He asked me to lay the matter before the under-chiefs of Naliele, and when we reached that place, on the 9th of December, I did so in a picho, called expressly for the purpose.

Moffat Makololo Suspicions and Reply to the Matebele who brought them Convey the Goods to an Island and build a Hut over them Ascertain that Sir R. Murchison had recognized the true Form of African Continent Arrival at Linyanti A grand Picho Shrewd Inquiry Sekeletu in his Uniform A Trading-party sent to Loanda with Ivory Mr.

A "picho" was called to deliberate on the steps proposed. In these assemblies great freedom of speech is allowed; and on this occasion one of the old diviners said, "Where is he taking you to? This white man is throwing you away. Your garments already smell of blood." It is curious to observe how much identity of character appears all over the world. This man was a noted croaker.

Preliminary Arrangements for the Journey A Picho Twenty-seven Men appointed to accompany me to the West Eagerness of the Makololo for direct Trade with the Coast Effects of Fever A Makololo Question The lost Journal Reflections The Outfit for the Journey 11th November, 1853, leave Linyanti, and embark on the Chobe Dangerous Hippopotami Banks of Chobe Trees The Course of the River The Island Mparia at the Confluence of the Chobe and the Leeambye Anecdote Ascend the Leeambye A Makalaka Mother defies the Authority of the Makololo Head Man at Sesheke Punishment of Thieves Observance of the new Moon Public Addresses at Sesheke Attention of the People Results Proceed up the River The Fruit which yields 'Nux vomica' Other Fruits The Rapids Birds Fish Hippopotami and their Young.