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But it may not be so generally known, that on the 13th of July, 1788, a fall of hail of unprecedented size and quantity, in a few hours completely ravaged the two parallel zones lying between the department of the Charente and the frontiers of the Pays-Bas, and that in consequence of this frightful hail, the wheat partly failed, both in the north and in the west of France, until after the harvest of 1789.

They walked up to the Hôtel des Pays-Bas, which the traveller is informed by its card is situated in the Korte Hoogstraat, wijk No. 287, where Mr. Fluxion desired to see a gentleman who had engaged to meet him there. In one of the public rooms a party were playing cards, drinking, and smoking, and talking Dutch in the most vehement manner.

The prosecution against a Liberal journalist, De Potter, who attacked the Government's policy in Le Courier des Pays-Bas, brought about the reconciliation of the two parties against the common enemy, in 1828, just as the harsh attitude of Joseph II had caused the alliance of Van der Noot and Vonck on the eve of the Brabançonne Revolution.

[Footnote 33: See Gachard, Études et Notices historiques concernant l'histoire des Pays-Bas, ii., 343, en approuvant et emologant toutes les choses deseurdittes et chascune d'icelles et a fin que plus grant foy soit adjoustée

The Belgian historian, Van der Straeten, has illuminated the crowded shelves of his big work, "La Musique aux Pays-Bas avant Le XIXe Siècle," with various little instances of romance that occurred to the numberless minstrels and weavers of tangled counterpoint in the Netherlands of the old time.

An heiress of one of the most ancient houses in the Pays-Bas, the Princesse de Croy brought a noble dowry to her husband, himself a man of princely fortune.

"The Dutch name of the country is Nederlanden; the French name, Pays-Bas; both of which have the same meaning 'low countries. By this time you have realized the literal significance of the term; for nearly all the region consists of an immense low plain, intersected by rivers or arms of the sea.