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Would you believe it now, that so long ago as six years, and that is a great while in our history seein' we are growing at such a rate, there were sixty thousand offices in the gift of the general government, and patronage to the extent of more than forty million of dollars, besides official pickings and parquisites, which are nearly as much more in the aggregate?

Always to home! which means he is always eatin' and drinkin', and hante time to go out. So respectful! which means bowin' is an everlastin' sight easier, and safer too, nor talkin' is. So honest! which means, parquisites covers all he takes. Keeps every thin' in such good order! which means he makes the women do his work.

Always to home! which means he is always eatin' and drinkin', and hante time to go out. So respectful! which means bowin' is an everlastin' sight easier, and safer too, nor talkin' is. So honest! which means, parquisites covers all he takes. Keeps every thin' in such good order! which means he makes the women do his work.

"And threepence for nephy Bob," said the old lady. "Threepence for nephew Bob, and why?" "It is his parquisites when he recommends a gentleman. You would not have me pay out of my own earnings; for he will have it, or he'll ruin my bizziness. Poor folk must be paid for their trouble."

"Fie, naughty Simon, fie! them's not stealings, them's parquisites. Where's the good o' living in a great house else? But come, Si, haven't you struck out the 'not, for yourself, though the printer did his duty, eh, Nep?" "Not a bit, aunt not a bit: all sheer honesty and industry. Look at my pretty little truck-shop down the village.

"And threepence for nephy Bob," said the old lady. "Threepence for nephew Bob, and why?" "It is his parquisites when he recommends a gentleman. You would not have me pay out of my own earnings; for he will have it, or he'll ruin my bizziness. Poor folk must be paid for their trouble."

"Fie, naughty Simon, fie! them's not stealings, them's parquisites. Where's the good o' living in a great house else? But come, Si, haven't you struck out the 'not, for yourself, though the printer did his duty, eh, Nep?" "Not a bit, aunt not a bit: all sheer honesty and industry. Look at my pretty little truck-shop down the village.