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In Rome also he became intimate with the family of the rich Count Ankwicz, for whose daughter Eva he conceived an affection that is reflected in the passion of Jacek Soplica for the Pantler’s only child.

Here he joined his two hands as though in prayer; the Warden drew back amazed, smote his hand on his brow and shrugged his shoulders. And the Monk began to tell of his former intimacy with the Horeszko and of the love between him and the Pantler’s daughter, and of the enmity between the two men that thence arose.

Now listen to a story of your own family, which took place in this very room and no other. “My late lord the Pantler, the first gentleman of the district, a rich man and of noted family, had but one child, a daughter beautiful as an angel; so not a few of the gentry and the young notables paid their court to the Pantler’s daughter.

I knew this, and yet—I could not. “I fled from my country! Where have I not been! what have I not suffered! “At last God deigned to reveal to me the one true remedy: I must reform myself and repair as much as possible what—— “The Pantler’s daughter and her husband the Wojewoda had been transported to some place in Siberia; there she died young, leaving here behind her a daughter, little Zosia.

The Pantler, seeing his enemies in confusion, thought of making a sally; he seized his sabre, and, shouting from the balcony, gave orders to the servants; turning to me he said: ‘Follow me, Gerwazy!’ At that instant there was a shot from behind the gate; the Pantler’s speech faltered, he turned red, turned pale, tried to speak, spat blood.

He came to the castle more and more frequently, even when uninvited, and finally settled down among us as if in his own home, and it seemed that he was on the point of declaring himself; but they remarked this, and served him at the table with black soup.39 It may very well be that the Pantler’s daughter had taken a fancy to the Soplica, but that she kept it a deep secret from her parents.

There is a way of preventing this: in the castle I know of a certain chest in which lies the table service of the Horeszkos and with it various rings, necklaces, bracelets, rich plumes, caparisons, and marvellous swordsthe Pantler’s treasures, hidden from plunderers, in the ground; to Pani Sophia, as his heiress, they belong; I have guarded them in the castle like the eyes in my head, keeping them from the Muscovites, and from you, my Soplica friends.