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Over one of these obstructions the breastplate of my saddle, which had only been fastened to begin with by three stitches of string, burst, and I found myself almost over the grey's tail: such a common occurrence that no Moor goes out without string and packing-needle handy; but this was past mending on the road, and I changed on to the soldier's mule, whose top-heavy saddle was no fit at all, and, shifting all over its back, required careful balance on the rider's part.

Alwynn had found and had deposited in a Sèvres cup on the mantle-piece, till the wet afternoon should come when he and his long packing-needle should restore them to their home. The room was very quiet. She started to her feet, and paced up and down, up and down. Would he never come in? She dared not go out to look for him for fear of missing him.

How long wilt thou display this pomp and vanity; hopest thou to regain thy former dominion? Sa'di admires the fresh-shooting down, not when each hair is stiff as a packing-needle: Whether thou hast patience with thy beard, or weed it from thy face, this happy season of youth must come to a conclusion. Had I the same command of life as thou hast of beard, it should not escape me till doomsday."

"Come now," retorted Miles, "you have not much to boast of in that way yourself." "There you are wrong, Miles, for I have to boast that I made my garment myself. True, it's only a sack, but I cut the hole in the bottom of it for my head with my own hand, and stitched on the short sleeves with a packing-needle. But, I say, what's been the matter with Molloy?

They wouldn't be in such a hurry to get at their morning papers then. Can't you imagine the regulation householder Lover of Justice, Constant Reader, Paterfamilias, and all that lot frizzling on hot gravel? 'With a blue veil over his head, and his clothes in strips. Has any man here a needle? I've got a piece of sugar-sack. 'I'll lend you a packing-needle for six square inches of it then.