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"Very good; pray and encourage the people to pray. But besides that give the state thirty thousand talents," answered the pharaoh. The high priests were silent; Ramses waited a while, then turned to Herhor, "Thou art silent, worthiness." "Thou hast said thyself, O sovereign, that the treasury has no means, even to bury Osiris-Mer-Amen-Ramses.

Dost Thou desire really, my good father, that I should go? But if I go Thou wilt be alone, and will any one be with thee?" Now the high priest Herhor burned incense before the mummy, and Mefres poured out wine, saying, "To thy second self we offer this, O Osiris-Mer-Amen-Ramses, sovereign of Upper and Lower Egypt, whose voice in the presence of the great god is truthful."

Preparations for the funeral of Osiris-Mer-Amen-Ramses were ended. The revered mummy of the pharaoh was enclosed in a white box, the upper part of which repeated perfectly the features of the departed.

"Osiris-Mer-Amen-Ramses, the lord of two worlds, has come and desires that ye prepare him for his eternal journey," replied the priests. "Is it possible that he, the sun of Egypt, is quenched? That he is dead who himself was breath and life?" "Such was his will," answered a priest.

"Here stands thy father; here stands Osiris-Mer-Amen-Ramses. I am thy son; I am Horns; I come to purify thee and make thee alive. I put thy bones again in order; I join that which was severed, for I am Horus, the avenger of my father. Thou wilt sit on the throne of Ra who proceeds from Nut, who gives birth to Re every morning, who gives birth to Mer-Amen-Ramses daily, just as Re."

Thus speaking, the high priest touched with amulets the mouth, the breasts, the hands, and the feet of the mummy. Now the choruses were heard again, Chorus I. "Henceforth Osiris-Mer-Amen-Ramses will eat and drink all things which the gods eat and drink. He will sit in their place, like them; he is healthy and powerful."

Mefres rose from his stool. "Osiris-Mer-Amen-Ramses," said he, "was a just lord who for many years assured peace to his people, and praise to the gods. Permit, holiness, that the funeral of this pious pharaoh be performed at the expense of the temples." Ramses XIII was astonished and was moved by the homage rendered his father.

Chorus II. "He has power in every limb; it is hateful to him to be hungry and unable to eat, thirsty and unable to drink." Chorus I. "O gods, give to Osiris-Mer-Amen-Ramses thousands of thousands of pitchers of wine, thousands of garments, thousands of loaves and of bullocks!"