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This calls to one's mind the Mosaic account of the origin of mankind, the first dawning of art there ascribed to them, is that of sewing leaves together. For many other curious kinds of nests see Natural History for Children, by Mr. Galton. Johnson. London. Part I. p. 47. Gen. Oriolus.

huitzitzicatin, a word not found in the dictionaries, appears to be from tzitzilca, to tremble, usually from cold, but here applied to the tremulous motion of the humming bird as it hovers over a flower. zacuan, the yellow plumage of the zacuan bird, and from similarity of color here applied to the butterfly. The zacuan is known to ornithologists as the Oriolus dominicensis.

Blyth informs me that the females of Oriolus melanocephalus and of some allied species, when sufficiently mature to breed, differ considerably in plumage from the adult males; but after the second or third moults they differ only in their beaks having a slight greenish tinge. So again the female Falco peregrinus acquires her blue plumage more slowly than the male. Mr.

The objection would be a valid one, if the younger and less ornamented males were as successful in winning females and propagating their kind, as the older and more beautiful males. But we have no reason to suppose that this is the case. Audubon speaks of the breeding of the immature males of Ibis tantalus as a rare event, as does Mr. Swinhoe, in regard to the immature males of Oriolus.

Oranges, treatment of, by monkeys. Orange-tip butterfly. Orchestia Darwinii, dimorphism of males of. Orchestia Tucuratinga, limbs of. Ordeal, trial by. Oreas canna, colours of. Oreas Derbianus, colours of. Organs, prehensile; utilised for new purposes. Organic scale, von Baer's definition of progress in. Orioles, nidification of. Oriolus, species of, breeding in immature plumage.

Oriolus melanocephalus, coloration of the sexes in. Ornaments, prevalence of similar; of male birds; fondness of savages for. Ornamental characters, equal transmission of, to both sexes, in mammals; of monkeys. Ornithoptera croesus. Ornithorhynchus, reptilian tendency of; spur of the male. Orocetes erythrogastra, young of. Orrony, Grotto of. Orsodacna atra, difference of colour in the sexes of.

Professor Ansted mentions the Spotted Flycatcher in his list, but does not add, as he usually does, any letter showing its distribution through the Islands. This probably is because it is generally distributed through them all. There is no specimen in the Museum. GOLDEN ORIOLE. Oriolus galbula, Linnaeus. French, "Le Loriot."