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Pass friend to the meeting of the 'Tigers." All the other members had trouble with the tongue twister. Either they left out the distinguishing "p" in the third syllable, or forgot the final "oppy" and had to have their memories refreshed in much the same manner as that of the first arrival. This was precisely what John had intended.

It was in the afternoon that, half-way up a hill, they saw coming over the crest a lady and a little girl. "Hout yer gets," said Mr. Beale quickly; "walk as 'oppy as you can, and if they arsts you you say you ain't 'ad nothing to eat since las' night and then it was a bit o' dry bread." "Right you are," said Dickie, enjoying the game. "An' mind you call me father."

"'E reminds me o' Hadmiral Sir Percy 'Opkinton, so 'e do. P'raps 'e's a pore relation." "Yus," agreed Seaman Smith. "A crost between our beloved 'Oppy an' ole Bill Jones 'ere. Bill was reported to 'ave 'ad a twin brother but it was allus serposed Bill ate 'im when 'e wasn' lookin'."

Thus, sir, I have given you an account of the action from the several letters I recd., and have only to add, that Colo. Christian desires me to inform Mrs. Christian of his welfare, which with great pleasure I do through this channel, and should any further news come, which I much expect soon, I shall take the earliest oppy. of communicating the same to you.

At Auberive after a violent bombardment the Germans attacked in force, but were repulsed by the French artillery. South of the village of Oppy, where the fighting had raged for several days, the British captured a German trench system on a front of about a mile.