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"Fact is, Major, we're after larger game than that would prove to be; something calculated to stagger you a bit, I think." "You're certainly puzzling me by what you say, Colin," declared the major, betraying a growing curiosity in voice and manner. "I'd like to know for a fact what you could call larger game than a non-stop flight to Berlin and back, starting from the Channel here.

Why, it stops fever, an' smallpox, an' almost everythin'." "Any good fer toothache?" The crowd chuckled noisily. "Would it stop a clock?" "Any good for a bloomin' non-stop thirst?" "P'raps it might stop the war?" "Ever tried it on yer ole woman's tongue, Casey? but it wouldn't stop that!" They were interrupted by a command from the Company Officer to "get a move on."

"I have been reading about you in the papers," said Pinto. "You're the man who did the non-stop flight for the Western Aeroplane Company?" "That's right," smiled Cartwright. "I have done many long nights. I suppose you are referring to my San Sebastian trip?" Pinto nodded.

"Do you think he suspected anything?" asked the other. "Sure he did, but not the thing, for nobody in the wide world would ever dream we were planning such an unheard of thing as a non-stop flight across the Atlantic." Tom dropped his voice to a whisper when he said this; not that there seemed to be any particular need of caution, but simply on general principles.