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If this little nun could by some means convey her secret of managing children to about nineteen-twentieths of the mothers of the kingdom, who find it a dreadful business to regulate one or two, saying nothing of 350, babes and sucklings, she would confer a lasting benefit upon the householders of Britain.

"In nine cases out of ten at least, nineteen-twentieths of the House will furnish instances one can only, as you justly observed, appeal to the comprehension of the mob by pledging oneself either to their appetites or passions, and it is better plainly to state the case and put it to them in figures." Whether the Baronet knew what he was saying is one matter: he knew what he meant.

Nineteen-twentieths of all lawlessness in Ireland during the past two hundred years has been directed against the landlord's agent. This is a very Irish-like proceeding to punish the agent for the sins of the principal. When the landlord himself comes over from England he affects a fatherly interest in "his people."

If men meet and talk over a difficulty, there is a probability of men's understanding each other's motives, and thus preserving charity. If one-twentieth part of a diocese insists upon certain observances which nineteen-twentieths repudiate, it seems clear that the very small minority is put out of court. Yet how often the small minority contains more salt than the large majority!

'Will half, three-quarters, five-sixths, nineteen-twentieths, of my kingdom do, Countess? asks the trembling monarch. 'What were all Europe to me without YOU, my Giglio? cries Gruff, kissing his hand. 'I won't, I can't, I shan't, I'll resign the crown first, shouts Giglio, tearing away his hand; but Gruff clung to it.

He is all but constant to the heroic couplet the Spenserian introduction to The Birth of Flattery, the variously-grouped octosyllabic quatrains of Reflections, Sir Eustace Grey, The Hall of Justice, and Woman, with a few other deviations, being merely islets among a wide sea of rhymed decasyllabics constituting at least nineteen-twentieths of the poet's outpouring.

"Will half, three-quarters, five-sixths, nineteen-twentieths, of my kingdom do, Countess?" asks the trembling monarch. "What were all Europe to me without YOU, my Giglio?" cries Gruff, kissing his hand. "I won't, I can't, I shan't, I'll resign the crown first," shouts Giglio, tearing away his hand; but Gruff clung to it.

The English people manufacture steel pens for nineteen-twentieths of the globe, but they never use any themselves. They use exclusively the pre-historic quill.

We own nineteen-twentieths of the land, and have about the same ratio of intelligence. I am a white man, and, right or wrong, I go with my race." "But, Doctor," said Rev. Carmicle, "there are rights more sacred than the rights of property and superior intelligence." "What are they?" asked Dr. Latrobe. "The rights of life and liberty," replied Rev. Carmicle. "That is true," said Dr.

So that, to put it roughly, all that would be necessary practically to neutralize the injuriousness of the bacillus would be to prevent about one-twentieth of the exposures to its invasion which actually occurred. The other nineteen-twentieths would take care of themselves. The bacilli are not the only ones who can be numbered in their billions.