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And the Nemesis of the pulpit comes, in a shape it little thought of, beginning with the snap of a toe-joint, and ending with such a crack of old beliefs that the roar of it is heard in all the ministers' studies of Christendom?

In the meeting with the child of the second marriage, her wild exultation, her impassioned invocation of Nemesis, was one of the most effective passages in the drama; and it caused a shiver to creep like a serpent over the body of the father, who pitied so tenderly the afflicted Maud.

If for love she owes him at least the outside observances of love. If he has pretended love and it is for some other motive, his Nemesis will fall upon himself in the disillusion and contempt he will inspire.

Having established Life as the coldly malignant element, which induces to what it chastises, a loathing of womanhood, the deputed Mother of Life, ensues, by natural sequence. And if there be one among women who disturbs the serenity we choose to think our due, she wears for us the sinister aspect of a confidential messenger between Nemesis and the Parcae.

Hermon's mute nod of assent answered the question, but she exclaimed: "The unhappy woman, who called down the wrath of Nemesis upon you, and who has now herself fallen a prey to the avenging goddess. What do you want from her?" Hermon bent down to his old friend and whispered, "To lighten her terrible fate, if it is in my power."

A triumphant smile flitted over her unveiled features, for there was no other divinity on whose aid she could more confidently rely. She could unchain the vengeance which threatened Hermon with a far more terrible danger than the thunder clouds above, under the protection nay, as it were at the behest of Nemesis. To-morrow she would be the first to anoint her altar.

He somehow discerned that it would deal directly with knowledge the saner judgment of a commonplace world had always deemed undesirable, unlawful, unsafe, dangerous to the souls that dared attempt it, failure involving a pitiless and terrible Nemesis.

Hubert Tracy will not have the power to injure my reputation. He may succeed for a time, but there is a Nemesis cruel as death." Phillip repeated these words as if he were the avenging Deity himself and the hoarseness of his voice made them sound doubly prophetic. "If they could only have passed into Mr.

But strive to kill it how she would, her sex would have its revenge one day and play Nemesis to her. She was bewitching now bewitching, though she had no witchery for him in her youth.

They had the dollars, they were on top; but some day the nemesis of Good-breeding would smite them the army of the ghosts of Gentility would rise, and with "Marse Robert" and "Jeb" Stuart at their head, would sweep away the hordes of commercialdom. Thyrsis saw a great deal of this forgotten chivalry.