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He saw only an expanse of low shagginess that might have been scrub growths of any kind. Dug into the salt-bearing ground at intervals, he knew, were the fire weapons ready to throw oxygen and synthetic napalm jellied gasoline. Never yet had they been discharged, along this defense line. But you could never be sure just what might be necessary here. A man of about thirty had approached.

One of the piles must have collapsed and somebody must have been splashed. I gave an involuntary shudder. Burning wax was hotter than melted lead, and it stuck to anything it touched, worse than napalm. I saw a man being dragged out of further danger, his clothes on fire, and asbestos-suited firemen crowding around to tear the burning garments from him.

He did not care. When he came to her, as arranged, there was a moment when Sylviana saw what Kalus had seen: a wild, desperate hunger in his eyes, that could no longer feed on things which the earth gave as food. They wanted not flesh, but blood, not nourishment, but to mock the very act of nourishment. They could not be fed, or appeased, any more than one could quench the rape of napalm fire.

He looked up the hillside at the point where the enemy cavalry was turning the right flank. Given cavalry behind the Tulan line and the battle was lost. "O.K., boys," Chessman growled sourly, "we're in the clutch now. Hawkins!" "Yeah," the pilot said. "See what you can do. Use what bombs you have including the napalm. Fly as low as you can in the way of scaring their horses."

So they retreat to keep their secrets. But Dr. Pacetti, our head of Medical Research, says that we can never know that they won't find a way to attack us directly. That's what the waiting napalm line is for. I don't think he is exaggerating." "Why do you say that?" Nelsen asked. He was encouraging her, of course. But he wasn't being patronizing. Frost tingled in his nerves.