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For two years their thoughts had subtly crossed and intertwined, and she now felt his doubt, his question, almost as keenly as if he had uttered them. He broke the momentary silence by saying, with a distinctly tender tone, "Are you thinking of Colorow? I am." She flushed and started a little. "Yes." "I was recalling my first view of you a fragment of sunset cloud caught on a mountain-crag."

"Thou hast not told me of thy errand," said Gripir; "but I know what it is. Come first with me, and see this great mid-world for thyself." Then Gripir, leaning on his staff, led the way out of the great hall, and up to the top of the highest mountain-crag.

"When the rising sun burst behind a mountain-crag, and, at a turn in the road, fell full upon her face, she awoke with a start, and looked about bewildered. Then her mind cleared. "'How good you have been. You have not moved all night so I might rest. I awoke once frightened, but your hands were folded in your lap. "With this her whole manner changed.

Sometimes he was an eagle on a lonely mountain-crag; sometimes he hid himself as one among a troop of timid reindeer; sometimes he lay in the nest of a wood-pigeon; sometimes he swam, a bright-spotted fish, in the sea; but, wherever he was, among living creatures, or alone with dead nature, everything seemed to know him, and to find a voice in which to say to him, "You are Loki, and you have killed Baldur."