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"Who's that? and what are ye wanting here? Oh! by the mortials, but av it aint Miss Feemy herself come back I declare!" And Mary ran round, and began to draw the bolts of the front door. Up jumped Larry at the unwelcome sound, from his accustomed seat by the fire. "What in the divil's name are ye afther? What are ye doing? Ye owld hag, will ye be letting the ruffians in on me?"

'By the mortials I'll baronite him; I wull, said John, seizing his hat and stalking off through the back kitchen after his friend. The next day there was a great surprise at Sheep's Acre farm, which communicated itself to the towns of Bungay and Beccles, and even affected the ordinary quiet life of Carbury Manor.

"Arrah sure, sir, they're hardly mortials at all, but has the mark o' the bastes an thim." "How do you make out that, Paddy?" "Why sure, sir, and didn't Natur make thim wid wool on their heads, plainly makin' it undherstood to Chrishthans, that they were little more nor cattle?" "I think your head is a wool-gathering now, Paddy," said the captain, laughing.

It was the entrans of Parrowdice to me and master: and as we entered the calm water, and saw the comfrabble lights gleaming in the houses, and felt the roal of the vessel degreasing, never was two mortials gladder, I warrant, than we were. At length our capting drew up at the key, and our journey was down.