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A great many gentlemen here are wearing coloured cravats, and Charlie Morson's brother, who came up from Richmond for a week, has a pair of side whiskers. He says they are fashionable down there, but I don't like them. "With affectionate greeting to grandma and yourself, "Your dutiful grandson, "DANDRIDGE MONTJOY." "P.S. I am using my full name now it will look better if I am ever President.

Betty, leaning back in her high mahogany chair, and now and then putting in a word with the bright effusion which belonged to her, gave ear half to the Major's anecdotes, and half to a jest of Jack Morson's. Before her branched a silver candelabrum, and beyond it, with the light in his face, Dan was sitting.

The same humour was in his voice even as he held his grandfather's hand. "By George, we're glad to get here," was his greeting. "Morson's been cursing our hospitality for the last three miles. Grandpa, this is my friend Morson Jack Morson, you've heard me speak of him; and this is Bland Diggs, you know of him, too."

When he returned to Winchester it was to find Virginia already there as Jack Morson's wife. Since her marriage in late summer she had followed her husband's regiment from place to place, drifting at last to a big yellow house on the edge of the fiery little town.

Now I believe Sary would make a big man of you, Jeb. "She may not dye her hair or paint her face, but she's got a square look, and we-all know what sound stock she comes of. There isn't a better family in all Colorado than the Morson's. And Sary Morson is all there! She has sterling qualities that will last after beauty and singing is worn thread-bare.

His face, in the strong light of the window by which he stood, showed a tracery of blue veins across the high forehead. "Oh, shut up about bull pups," he said irritably. "You are as bad as a breeder, and yet you couldn't tell that thoroughbred of John Morson's from a cross with a terrier."

But deeply I love my darling, for a kind kiss once I got, in return for the gift of a shepherd's pipe. Comatas. Lacon, it never was right that pyes should contend with the nightingale, nor hoopoes with swans, but thou, unhappy swain, art ever for contention. Morson's Judgement. I bid the shepherd cease. But to thee, Comatas, Morson presents the lamb.