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The following is the passage: "Quoiqu'il en soit, Mr. de la Salle se sentit quelque temps aeres empoissonne d'une salade dans laquelle on avoit mesle du cigue, qui est poison en ce pays la, et du verd de gris. Il en fut malade a l'extremite, vomissant presque continuellement 40 ou 50 jours apres, et il ne rechappa que par la force extreme de sa constitution.

In the morning Yvonne had made some purchases in the town and later they had caught up with their friends near La Mesle, along the Sarthe, down which their road descended by easy stages to their destination. Alenon was in holiday garb and the tricolor flaunted bravely from many poles, though the beginning of the fte was not until to-morrow.

The wonder was that he had not recognized it at first glance. This bell and its other small companions had tinkled their way into his heart at each step she had taken down the long road from Evreux to Alenon tinkled merrily at Passy, joyously at VallŽcy, disdainfully at Verneuil, and contentedly at La Mesle.

"How curious!" she exclaimed, examining the contrivance. "It is the music," put in the Signora pleasantly, "of our Femme Orchestre. She is ill. We were forced to leave her yesterday at La Mesle. To-morrow she will play again. The Contessa will hear her, perhaps?" Philidor breathed gratefully. A firmer hand than his now controlled their destinies.