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"It is." "Then, if by taking Mr. Melleville's offer, you lose nothing for the body, and gain largely for the mind, is not your income increased?" "Ah, Edith!" said Claire, fondly, "you are a wonderful reasoner. Who will gainsay such arguments?" "Do I not argue fairly? Are not my positions sound, and my deductions clearly brought forth?"

Melleville was now worth five hundred dollars a year, but his family had increased, and with the increase had come new wants. The condition of Mr. Melleville's business gave him no encouragement to hope for a larger income while in his service. Several times during the last two years he had made application for vacant places, but without success.

A different decision took him altogether by surprise. "Where are you going?" he asked. Edward hesitated a moment ere replying. "Back to Mr. Melleville's." "To Melleville's! Will he give you more salary than I have agreed to pay?" "No," was the answer; "but I have reasons for wishing to accept the place he offers me." "Well, just as you please," said Jasper, coldly. "Every one must suit himself."

Melleville's store, came into the more business portions of the city, his thoughts on the child who was soon to be resigned, according to the tenor of his contract with her guardian, he was suddenly startled by seeing Jasper a short distance ahead, approaching from the direction in which he was going.