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"I have come to nurse him," said she, imperiously, and, turning to where I stood near, she added: "Bid a servant fetch from York Street what I shall have need of." The doctor smiled, but stood firm. He cared little for aught in heaven or earth, did Dr. Leiden, and nothing whatever for Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Carvel. "I peg you, matam, do not disturp yourself," said he. "Mr.

"I know that these watches are made for very little in the cheap countries of Europe, but one can hardly see how this machinery was put together for so small a sum." "I has 'em, matam, at all brices," put in my uncle. "I have a strong desire to purchase a good lady's watch, but should a little fear buying of any but a known and regular dealer." "You needn't fear us, ma'am," I ventured to say.

Butler," said Lady Staunton to the Captain, during the interval when Jeanie had left the parlour, "to let me talk of making any recompense for storming her house, and garrisoning it in the way I have done." "Doubtless, matam," said the Captain, "it wad ill pecome Mrs.

"I believe in my soul," whispered uncle Ro, "that my dear old mother has a secret presentiment who we are, by her manifesting so much respect. T'ousand t'anks, matam, t'ousand t'anks," he continued, dropping into his half-accurate half-blundering broken English, "for dis great honour, such as we might not expect das laty of das house to wait for us at her door."

"I have come to nurse him," said she, imperiously, and, turning to where I stood near, she added: "Bid a servant fetch from York Street what I shall have need of." The doctor smiled, but stood firm. He cared little for aught in heaven or earth, did Dr. Leiden, and nothing whatever for Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Carvel. "I peg you, matam, do not disturp yourself," said he. "Mr.