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It took several generations for the Malcourts to go to the devil; but I fancy we'll all arrive on time. What a reunion! I hate the idea of family parties, even in hell." He straightened up gracefully and lighted his cigarette; then the easy smile twitched his dry lips again and he nodded mockingly at Hamil: "Count on my friendship, Hamil; it's so valuable.

The Malcourts are rotten; everybody knows it. Tressilvain is worse; my sister says so. As I told you, the old families are done for all except yours " "I am the last of mine, Louis." "The last and best " "Are you laughing?" "No; you are the only human one I've ever heard of among your race the sweetest, soundest, best " "I?... What you say is too terrible to laugh at.

"Don't be too bitter in your amusement, for after all, you are kin to us; don't be too severe on us; for we are passing, Garry, the descendants of Patroon and refugee alike the Cuyps, the Classons, the Van Diemans, the Vetchens, the Suydams and James Wayward is the last of his race, and I am the last of the French refugees, and the Malcourts are already ended. Pax!

It's the raw West that is to be our Nemesis, I think.... 'Mix corpuscles or you die! that's what I read as I run I mean, saunter; the Malcourts never run, except to seed. My, what phosphorescent perversion! One might almost mistake it for philosophy.... But it's only the brilliancy of decay, Virginia; and it's about time that the last Malcourt stepped down and out of the scheme of things.