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Though if the force of gravity has changed, too, that, of course, will change the time of vibration of any pendulum, and so of course will invalidate my results. It's a hard problem, right enough." "You think gravitation has changed?" "Don't you notice, yourself, that things seem a trifle lighter things that used to be heavy to lift are now comparatively easy?" "M-m-m-m-m I don't know.

"Why, of course we should be glad to see him, and we should ask him about Washington and the Session, what sort of a person Lady Bruce was, and whether it was really true that General Butler said that bright thing about the Governor of Arkansas. "And Mr. Sumner would say that General Butler said a much better thing than that. He said that m-m-m-m-m "Then Mrs.

Yesterday no; two or three days back m-m-m-m-m I dunno; I was a goin' roun' me traps me bear traps.

This, indeed, if your words fail you, answers even in public extempore speech but better where other talking is going on. Thus: "We missed you at the Natural History Society, Ingham." Ingham replies: "I am very gligloglum, that is, that you were m-m-m-m-m." By gradually dropping the voice, the interlocutor is compelled to supply the answer. "Mrs. Ingham, I hope your friend Augusta is better."

"Did yuh, Edwin?" "All the other fellows only got seventy and eighty." "Mamma's boy leads 'em." He entered at that, submitting to a kiss upon an averted cheek. "See what mother's fixed for you!" "M-m-m-m! fritters!" "Don't touch!" "M-m-m-m lamb stew!" "I shopped all morning to get okra to go in it for your father." "M-m-m-m-m!"