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"Ein freund," responded Frank. "Losung," demanded the sentinel, asking for the countersign. "America!" answered Frank, and hurled his revolver full in the sentry's face. The heavy butt of the weapon landed plumb in the middle of the German's forehead. He had opened his mouth to shout, but no sound came forth. The rifle fell from his hands and he went down like a log.

Any one of a dozen things might happen to arouse suspicion. Luckily it was growing dark and Tom had pulled Rabig's hat well down over his face, yet not so far as to make it appear that he was trying to evade scrutiny. He walked on briskly to a point where a sentry on duty before an opening in the wire fence was standing. "Halt! Wer da?" hailed the sentry. "Ein Freund," replied Tom. "Losung."

Also a small book, The Religion of the Chinese, 1910. Beal, Buddhism in China, 1884. Murray's Guide to Japan. J. Edkins' Religion in China, 1878, the account of a modern missionary, may be consulted. On Taoism, Pfizmaier, Die Lösung der Leichname und Schwerter, 1870; and Die Tao-lehre von dem wahren Menschen und den Unsterblichen, 1870.

Then he went through the pockets of the coat. As he had expected he found the pass that had admitted Rabig to the German lines. Opposite the word "Losung," which Tom knew meant "countersign," was scribbled the word "Potsdam." "I guess this thing that brought you over will take me back," Tom remarked. "Now, Rabig, I'm going to leave you here with your German friends.